Women in the Revolution

Emily Geiger had to convince the General that she was the only one who could deliver the message. Finally the General agreed to send Emily on the mission. Emily Geiger had to deliver the letter to General Greene. Luckily she knew the route well. She knew that General Greene’s camp was close to her father’s farm. She succeeded and did no get caught by the British. Captain Molly lived in a camp outside of Fort Washington. She lived with other women and children. Her village got attacked by the british and she survived the attack but her husband didn’t. Sibyl Ludington was a daughter of a General. Her father gave her a job. Her job was to see what was happening at the attack of Danbury. She completed her mission. Deborah Samson wanted to be in the Revolutionary War but the law was that women couldn’t fight in war so she dressed up like a boy and signed up for war. She was good at keeping her identity secret. She got shot and dug the bullet out of her leg herself.