

Fishasaurus needs fish food,birdseed,and leaves.They also need lots of sleep.Fishasaurus eats a lot sleeps a lot and plays a lot.They also play all day,everyday.Fishasaurus is a breed of four creatures,a fish,a cheetah,a bird,and a lizard.Fishasaurus is the best pet in the world because it can float.I hope fishasaurus doesn’t eat as much as he did when I gave him a hamburger.Still he could be feisty.Back to fishasaurus,OK so he looks like a monster but he can be very friendly.He mostly eats human food because he loves human food.I don’t know if there are anymore of his kind.One more thing,sometimes he eats meat to.I hope you love fishasaurus.

Special Weekend

This weekend I am going to have a special surprise. I still don’t know what the surprise is, but I think I will have fun. I think we will eat pizza and watch a movie like

we do every Friday night. I am very exited. That is what I might do on my weekend.